How to upgrade Croster WHMCS Theme

Let's see how easy it is to update Croster WHMCS Theme from any old version. updating the Croster WHMCS Theme is very easy and can be completed in just a few steps.

Make a Full Backup - We cannot stress enough how important it is to *always* take a full backup before attempting any kind of upgrade/install. Both for WHMCS and any other software you use. A full backup should be taken of both the WHMCS files and the database.

It is very simple you can update easily by using following below simple steps.

  1. Download the latest version of Croster and replace all files and folders from latest version.
  2. Visit the WHMCS System Settings >> addons module section and click on Save button in Croster Panel addon.
  3. Clear your browser cache and server cache if you have any third party services (for example Cloudflare).
  4. Now clear the template caches from whmcs admin >> Utilities >> System >> System Cleanup.
  5. Enable Color Scheme Developer mode from Croster Panel then visit client area as admin after that in Color Settings Panel  click Save Changes button to build updated css file. Watch the video.
  6. Now again clear the template caches from whmcs admin >> Utilities >> System >> System Cleanup.
Important Step: After upgrading to v2.1 from any older version, you must enable the Overlay section below on this screen from the Slider section in Page Manager to fix the overlapping issue.

That's it.

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