Customisation of Croster sections

Unlocking Flexibility: Customising Croster WHMCS Theme with Overwrites

Discover the flexibility of customising the Croster WHMCS theme through Overwrites. While the section tpl files are provided unencoded, allowing you to view Croster’s variable strings, direct editing is not recommended. Learn how to effectively utilise Overwrites to customise sections according to your preferences.

Section files overwrite allow you to customise sections in a way that is safely preserved through the upgrade process.

Using Overrides

Steps for customising section overrides are as follows:

  1. Copy the section file you want to overwrite. For example, to overwrite for the FAQs section
    {whmcs root}/modules/addons/adminpanel/core/front/faqs.tpl
  2. Paste the file in {whmcs root}/templates/croster/overwrites/front/ folder.
  3. Now you can edit the tpl file safely preserved through the upgrade process.


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