Installing Croster WHMCS Theme

Let's see how easy it is to install Croster WHMCS Theme. Installing the Croster is straightforward and can be completed in just a few steps.

System Requirements:

  • The system requirement is same as WHMCS System Requirement for WHMCS latest stable release.
  • You must have latest stable version of whmcs and it should be installed in Root directory along with Friendly URLs setting as Full Friendly Rewrite.
  • If your WHMCS is fresh installed then you must finish whmcs configuration first, like products groups, products/services along with tlds and tlds pricing setup if you are selling domains.
  • Before installation, If you are using our other WHMCS theme then you must need to remove/disable provided navigation bar hooks which are bundled with our other theme.

Make a Full Backup - We cannot stress enough how important it is to *always* take a full backup before attempting any kind of upgrade/install. Both for WHMCS and any other software you use. A full backup should be taken of both the WHMCS files and the database.


Uploading and Installing

  1. Log in to your client area and download Croster theme.
  2. Unzip the contents of the zip file to a folder on your computer.
  3. Upload the entire folders and files in to your WHMCS root directory, which are available in 'upload' folder - if you experience problems, try uploading in binary mode.  Watch the video for easy understanding .
  4. Login to your WHMCS admin area go to Setup > Addon Modules 
  5. In the addon modules page you will see the Croster Panel click activate then click configure to see the options.

    WHMCS Addon - Croster Panel
  6. Now select the Croster template from System Settings >> General Settings >> System Theme and Croster Default order form from System Settings >> General Settings >> Ordering >> Default Order Form Template. If you don't want to active during development you may access the theme by using below link and once your website is production ready you can active them.
  7. Enable Color Scheme Developer mode from WHMCS admin Top Menu >> Addons >> Croster Panel >> Color Scheme then visit client area as admin after that in Color Settings Panel click Save Changes button to build updated css file. Otherwise you will see blank images in some places.



Post Installation Suggested Steps

After installation is completed, You may see error Or blank pricing tables on following pages.

  • index.php
  • webhosting.php
  • resellerhosting.php
  • vpshosting.php
  • dedicated.php

We recommend that you go through and configure your new Croster whmcs theme.

Since Croster pricing sections are dynamic like WHMCS order form so you need to select your plans to make them visible in pages by using Page Manager (If your whmcs is fresh installed and you didn't added any plan or package, you must need to add them first otherwise you will get empty plan list in page manager) .

For Homepage tlds you need to select tlds which you want to show, and for products group you just need to select product groups which you want to show and link of internal pages, It will collect lowest product(s) pricing from group and description from WHMCS products/Services >> Products Group TagLine/HeadLine

The product descriptions in whmcs admin >> Setup >> Product/ Services should be as per below article link, because in Web Hosting Plan Section  the price, descriptions and order link ( you just need to select plan only) will be auto collected for page, you don't need to enter them again in page manager while VPS hosting Plans and Dedicated Server Plans section will collect price and order link as per plan and billing cycle selected in page manager.

How to add products description?

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